Following a number of years struggling to rehabilitate his mouth with his own dentist, this gentleman decided to accept a referral for specialist prosthodontist treatment. He was concerned about the unsightly appearance of his upper metal partial denture and his lower implant overdenture kept breaking in half ! We managed to preserve the roots of his three upper teeth and put attachments on them so that the upper metal partial denture clipped onto them. By changing the height of the lower implants abutments and making a new lower implant overdenture with highest quality denture teeth , we were able to give him a smile that his wife and daughters were amazed with ! His wife and daughters were most pleased with the new smile ๐
Prosthodontist โ Dr Alan Payne NSOMS/Northland Prosthodontics
Dental technician – Taka and Jasu, dental technicians at DT Denture Design for excellent laboratory work.