After many years of living with an unsatisfactory smile, finally this gentleman was encouraged by his wife to come in for treatment on his upper front teeth.
His main problem an unsightly very old front crown with an infection that needed to be extracted. Also there was a problem related to the shape of his gums needing to be adjusted with gum surgery before the crowns and implant crown was done.
Using the latest digital design, he had a sequence tooth extraction, implant placement, gum surgery (all courtesy Dr Han Choi, Specialist Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgeon, NSOMS) to lengthen his upper front teeth and finally an implant crown and other upper front crowns (Dr Payne, Specialist Prosthodontist, Northland Prosthodontics). The cosmetic result was excellent for a happy patient, happy wife, happy prosthodontist, happy dental assistant……..happy life for all ! 😃 Thanks also to CJ, dental technician at Project Dentistry for fantastic ceramic laboratory work.
Oral/Maxillo-facial Surgeon – Dr Han Choi NSOMS
Prosthodontist – Dr Alan Payne NSOMS/Northland Prosthodontics
Dental technician – CJ, Project Dentistry