Bruxism is the technical term for grinding and clenching of the teeth that may cause facial pain.
People who grind and clench their teeth, called bruxers, unintentionally bite down too hard at inappropriate times, such as in their sleep. In addition to grinding teeth, bruxers also may bite their fingernails, pencils and chew the inside of their cheek. People usually aren’t diagnosed with bruxism until it is too late, as many people don’t realize they have the habit. Others mistakenly believe that their teeth must touch at all times. About one in three people suffer from bruxism, which can easily be treated by a prosthodontist.
What is Bruxism University of Adelaide

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Case 1

Case 2

Dental Erosion
Tooth erosion refers to the wearing away of the hard part of your teeth, which is called the enamel. Many people consume carbonated beverages, fruit juice, and highly acidic foods every day but probably don’t realize that they might be harming their teeth. The acid in the foods we eat and drink can cause tooth enamel to wear away, making teeth sensitive, cracked, and discoloured. First reported more than 200 years ago, dental erosion still continues to be a major concern for dentists and consumers.
Twenty decades ago, studies reported dental erosion occurred because of industrial hazards, specifically when workers were exposed to acidic aerosols. In recent years, everyday foods and drinks such as lemons, pickles, sodas and sugary, starchy goods have been associated with tooth erosion. People now also need to be aware of another danger that causes permanent and severe loss of tooth structure, acid reflux-induced erosion, a condition that occurs when stomach contents reflux into the mouth. Patients often are not aware of the damage that reflux-induced erosion has caused to their teeth until it has reached an advanced stage of destruction.”
More information about tooth erosion…
Certain foods, beverages and habits are known to cause acid reflux and as preventive measure, individuals should be aware of the products they consume. Spicy, fatty, fried foods, citric fruits and beverages and dairy products can lead to acid reflux.
If Acid Reflux-Induced erosion is diagnosed:
- Avoid eating acidic foods and foods that can cause acid reflux (tomatoes, citric fruits, spicy & fried foods, fatty meats, dairy, chocolate and caffeine are all culprits)
- Avoid brushing for 60 minutes after reflux episodes
- Rinse mouth with water after reflux episodes
- Take a sugar-free antacid and let it dissolve in the mouth
- Chew xylitol gum or other sugarless gums, lozenges or candies
Examples of Tooth Wear and Erosion by Acid